Five Things You Should Know for Single Tooth
Implant Success
This program will focus on the way to achieve the best results for single tooth implant restorations. Techniques for customized tissue platform, temporization, and impressions – along with workflows for restorations using patient-specific abutments will be presented with a goal of bringing simplicity and reliability to the restorative process. The advantages of providing an anatomically correct abutment earlier in the healing cycle will also be discussed, along with unique advancements in screw retained restorations that can provide enhanced efficiency to your existing workflow.
This program will focus on the way to achieve the best results for single tooth implant restorations. Techniques for customized tissue platform, temporization, and impressions – along with workflows for restorations using patient-specific abutments will be presented with a goal of bringing simplicity and reliability to the restorative process. The advantages of providing an anatomically correct abutment earlier in the healing cycle will also be discussed, along with unique advancements in screw retained restorations that can provide enhanced efficiency to your existing workflow.
Audience: Dentist, Specialist, Dental Assistant, Hygienist, Technician
Self-Instruction, Pre-recorded Lecture
690 Implants
Jimmy Stegall, CDT
Release Date
Course Fee
Pre-requisite: Implants 101
At the end of this course, attendees should be able to:
■ Discuss techniques and the design of immediate and transitional temporaries
■ Understand customization of implant-level impressions
■ Integrate patient-specific abutments into any implant protocol
■ Learn an easy and innovative way to restore implants via a CAD/CAM custom abutment system
■ Recognize the advantages of patient-specific, screw-retained solutions
■ Discuss techniques and the design of immediate and transitional temporaries
■ Understand customization of implant-level impressions
■ Integrate patient-specific abutments into any implant protocol
■ Learn an easy and innovative way to restore implants via a CAD/CAM custom abutment system
■ Recognize the advantages of patient-specific, screw-retained solutions
Jimmy Stegall, CDT